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6'x9' Chroma Key Green Screen BackdropDurable Design EZ Green Screen Backgrounds are custom designed to our own tough standards. You will know when you first feel the 100% cotton fabric in your hands that this a backdrop designed by photographers, for photographers. Built-In Mobility From the studio to the field, EZ Green Screen Backgrounds adapt. On one there are three steel-reinforced eyelets. At the other end is a stitched four-inch loop. So, whether you have a crossbar, hooks or just clamps; we've got you covered. Built-In Precision EZ Green Screens Backdrops are dyed two shades darker than chroma key green. Reducing the brightness means reducing the amount of green light bouncing off the backdrop and back onto your subject, making it harder to extract them from the image. Works perfectly with automatic green screen software too. Product Sold Out We don't know when or if this item will be available again. |